TO MAIL YOUR DONATION, PLEASE MAKE PAYABLE to “Course in Miracles Society”, with a COMMENT indicating where the Donation should be applied, [Daily Lessons, Translations, Audio Book, Prison Mailing Postage, etc.] and mail to:
Course in Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, Nebraska 68114 USA
Voice: 800-771-5056 Fax: 402-391-0343
Thank you sincerely for your loving offering.
To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. ~Lesson 108
Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and money. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.
Namaste and Thank You!