L e s s o n 86
1 These ideas are for review today:
[71] Only God's plan for salvation will work.
2 It is senseless for me to search wildly about for salvation. I have seen it in many people and in many things, but when I reached for it, it was not there. I was mistaken about where it is. I was mistaken about what it is. I will undertake no more idle seeking. Only God's plan for salvation will work. And I will rejoice because His plan can never fail.
3 These are some suggested forms for applying this idea specifically:
[72] Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation.
5 Holding grievances is an attempt to prove that God's plan for salvation will not work. Yet only His plan will work. By holding grievances, I am therefore excluding my only hope of salvation from my awareness. I would no longer defeat my own best interests in this insane way. I would accept God's plan for salvation and be happy.
6 Specific applications of this idea might be in these forms: