L e s s o n 344
Today I learn the law of love; that what
I give my brother is my gift to me.
1 This is Your law, my Father,
not my own. I did not understand what giving means and thought to
save what I desired for myself alone. And as I looked upon the
treasure that I thought I had, I found an empty place where nothing
ever was or is or will be. Who can share a dream? And what can an
illusion offer me? Yet he whom I forgive will give me gifts beyond
the worth of anything on earth. Let my forgiven brothers fill my
store with Heaven's treasures, which alone are real. Thus is the
law of love fulfilled. And thus Your Son arises and returns to
2 How near we are to one
another, as we go to God. How near is He to us. How close the ending
of the dream of sin and the redemption of the Son of God.