My belovèd students of the Course, do You realize that You have found a treasure that offers You great freedom from the sick ego nightmare? A holy treasure that will heal Your mind.
If You avail Yourself of it, You have a far better option than dying to free Yourselves from what claims to be reality, yet You may know is but a dream. I did not come to improve the dream, but to liberate You.
Do You really yearn to help Your Brothers? Start the Awakening. Do starving children bring You pain? Why not wake up for them! No greater gift can You bring all Others than Your willingness to now Awaken.
Have You looked around Your countries and Your world today? Heard or read the daily stream of such suffering? How can You help bless and heal Your Brothers? Would You not will to waken – eschew dreaming – to heal their pain? You will be healed too!
Just as You would forgive a Brother for His sins in the dream, forgive Your dreaming. Then cultivate the habit of always asking Me – or Our Father or the Holy Spirit – to show You Reality. And if You don’t hear, learn to persevere. The goal is worth it.
To see Your Brother and Your world with the eyes of Christ brings You right to paradise. (literally: near God) For the loving Vision with which You see Your Brother, becomes how You see Yourself.
When You see as I do, joy will fill You. You are so lovely!