Guidance from Elder Brother
"CHOICE After Death"

as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*


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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: In His Guidance, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You.  

When You see the word 'YOU'  capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to YOU, He is honoring YOU.   


BROTHER:  As I have been telling You, Mind, Consciousness, is everything, and so-called 'matter' simply follows mind's directions.  This really is no news to You, as You are quite familiar with the words that keep coming to mind: "All is Infinite Mind and Its Infinite Manifestation." followed by the reason: "For God is All-in-All."  And then, "Spirit is immortal Truth."1  Let Us stop there, staying with the Truth of these crucial words of a great revelation.


I am using the word 'revealed' rather than 'guided' for a reason: so that You clearly understand that what is called revelation is nothing new, but is simply Truth revealed to a willing consciousness.  Hence the "little willingness" I ask from You All.2  Then follows the great happiness that comes from giving it, to which You can gladly attest.


'Even after so-called death, You can choose again for Life.'   This fact answers Your question as to why "Life after Life" experiences - or near-death-experiences as they are also called - do not come to Every One.  You know God has no favorites and that You All are the "belovéd Son" and not just I.3  So why?  And here is Your answer: The choice is always Yours.  You can "choose again".4 


Most of You just don't choose to, tired of the current dream, and looking forward to a new one.  This state of mind is what keeps You wanting both dying and dreaming.  They are not of God, they are of the ego.


What a lie are the pious words: "God took Her."  "It was His time."  For they are spoken of the Son of God Himself/Herself.  I describe You this way, for most assuredly, the Son of God has no gender.  Gender is another ego ploy to keep half of the Son of God in subjection, a concept that is unknown to Heaven.


As You can clearly see here, no good has come of the separation, known as "the fall" by Bible students.  Yet do You all cling to it, convinced that it is reality, and only because You are addicted to dreaming; or, rather, to the 'power' that You think it gives You.  True Equality is not pleasing to the Dreamer, who obviously, or subtly, considers His or Her own self the 'best'. 


This may be hidden by what psychiatry calls a "poor self-image"; nonetheless, that is accompanied by the greatest rage that the Dreamer isn't recognized for His value.  The only validity to this mental state is that - indeed - each One of You is priceless, both to God and to Each Other.


As You are willing to give this acknowledgement to first One, and then Another, and Another; then, finally, to All of Your Others, it becomes Yours as well.  For You will not want to go Home alone, without All Your belovéd Others. For this is how the Sonship is: truly One for All and All for One.  Can You imagine now just how comforting that feeling is?


And when You understand this Love for All, then do You begin to understand why 'dying' is impossible to the Reality of Love.  You would not wish it on an Other, could it then be of God?  For God is only Life as well as Love.



1The scientific statement of Being from Science and Health, page 468.

 2Jesus asks for "a little willingness" in A Course In Miracles

3This is what was heard after Brother's baptism by John the Baptist:

 "This is My belovèd Son in whom I am well pleased."

 BOTH now available on amazon.com
Course In Miracles Society
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Omaha, NE 68114