"At the very core of your being you are the great universal consciousness that exists in all things and you can tap into that part of yourself that knows everything and is everything. The human mind has extraordinary powers and you can tap into these powers to live the life you were meant to live. When your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with who you truly are, you will start enjoying each moment. You will stop judging other people. You will no longer see anything as a conflict or worry. You will develop a new appreciation and always feel a divine connectedness with others and with nature. You will let things happen rather than trying to make them happen. You will have an overwhelming feeling of love for all beings and all things on the planet. Once you awaken to this new understanding, you can shift your perception and shift your consciousness. It is not an issue of whether or not we CAN make a difference. We DO make a difference. Everything we do, say, and think shapes our reality. The 3 magic words are here to lift you into a higher consciousness that will change the way you live your life and change the way you see the world. They can help you to open your eyes and finally see your connection with the All. They will awaken you to the reality that we are all one and when we kill others we kill ourselves. You will realize that what we do to the Earth we do to ourselves. You will understand that we are the nature and we are the land…and you will know without a doubt that we are living breathing sentient aspects of the entire cosmos. Are you ready for that?"
Starring: Gabriella Ethereal, Debbie Ford, Gudni Gudnason, Nassim Haramein, Jasmuheen, Gary Renard, Steven S. Sadleir, Peter Sterling, Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Neale Donald Walsch