The Music and Message
Scott Kalechstein Grace*
Author, Speaker and Modern Day Troubadour 



EXCERPT from Scott's new book "Teach Me HOW TO LOVE"

One winter's day in 1987, while I was waiting to use the restroom at a McDonald's, an elderly woman in a wheelchair came in, and her caregiver asked me if they could go ahead of me. "Of course!" I told her. As she was escorted into the bathroom, I noticed a beautiful glow in her eyes, which reminded me of the eyes of a baby: bright blue, crystal clear, pure and precious.

Two minutes passed slowly, and finally I heard the sweet sound of a toilet flushing. Both women came out smiling, and before I knew what was happening, the older one wheeled herself right up to me, slowly rose out of her wheelchair, kissed me on the lips and said, "Thank you. I love you." She came into my arms and offered her frail body in a delicate and tender embrace. her eyes blazed with life and love, and I felt a warm ripple spread throughout my chest. She sat back down and was escorted out. I also took a seat, to collect myself and to reflect on what had just happened. The woman's eyes, her radiant spirit, and especially her innocent and courageous offering of love had me shaking. I was in delicious shock, thrown completely into a state of wonder. It seems life's best moments catch us off guard, sneaking up on us when we least expect it, and this was surely one of them.

My mind, that endless question machine, was spinning. Who was that woman? Was she too old and senile to remember that one doesn't go around kissing strangers on the lips, or was she too wise to allow her heart to be confined to the ways of the world? My thoughts raced with theories and questions that would never be answered. Finally, I gave up and just let it be. For the rest of the day I could not wipe a smile off my face.

I'm happy to say that I never fully recovered from that experience. What was my way of expressing love? Images danced through my mind about what I might say and do. Would I kiss strangers on the lips and tell them I loved them? Pretty soon I realized that I couldn't approach this business of loving with a plan of action. It had to spring up from my heart like a bubbly fountain, spontaneous and unrehearsed. All I could do was practice being a vessel for love, not its controller. From the depths of my being, I asked to learn the ways of love, and my prayer took the form of a song:


I want to wake up in the morn, and know what I'm made of
Oh, Great Spirit, teach me, teach me how to love
I want to hear the birds at dawn, and know what they sing of
Oh, Great Spirit, teach me, teach me how to love
I've learned quite well just how to hide
Behind these rusty walls inside
But now my heart is calling me to rise above
Teach me how to love

I've shined on just a chosen few that fit me like a glove
Oh, Great Spirit, teach me, teach me how to love
Teach me to shine on everyone just like the sun above
Oh, Great Spirit, teach me, teach me how to love
I've walked the earth in self-defense
Bracing for some punishment
Could it be I'm safer here?
I've asked a jury of my fears
I'd rather ask a dolphin or a dove
Teach me how to love

© ScottSongs

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 ♫ ♪ ♫ http://jcim.net/Music/TeachMeHowToLove.mp3 ♫ ♪ ♫
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[To download, right click link and choose 'save target as']

TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE is on Scott's "Let There Be Light" album as well as one of the 17 songs on the CD that comes with his NEW Book "Teach Me HOW TO LOVE"

And so Scott began his journey on learning how to love and express love and on the way he found his 'VOICE'. In his 1999 CD "Love Songs for the Heart's Awakening" Scott presents us with an array of songs intended to provide "an opening, enjoyment, healing and assistance on the journey toward greater heart connection and intimacy, both with a partner and with Life."

The following song is from that album.


Walking this world alone
Cannot bring me all the way Home
I've seen it raining on my charade of private happiness

Light shining brightly you came
Piercing through my fear and my shame
Stronger than my armor's appeal
The power of love
Is melting steel

And I'm opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God
Opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God

I was trying to rise by closing my eyes
And meditating fear away
Now I see it was the closing
That's been keep me so afraid

So I'm down from the mountain
That's where the journey starts
And my yoga now is to share my heart
What a stretch!
To open and feel
To risk the pain and let love heal

As I'm opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God
Opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God

Well I know that I can stand alone
I've learned it through and through
But now the stand I want to make
Is being close to you

And I'm opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God
Opening up in this moment
Opening up my heart
Holding your hand I can understand
Joining is the way we come to God

Come to God
Come to God
Come to God

╔════════════════ೋღ☃ღೋ═════════════════╗      ♫ ♪ ♫ http://jcim.net/Music/OpeningUpInThisMoment.mp3 ♫♪♫

[To download, right click link and choose 'save target as']

And along the way Scott increased his ability to bring Love and Laughter and Lots of Levity to the seriousness of Life.

He shares his Voice and his Laughter with all of us on the CD "Levitational Pull".

This musical clip from the album is called "A Beautiful Day" in which Scott uses Mr. Rogers to give us a taste of what the Real World is all about.


(My tribute to Fred Rogers and the Real World he lives in)

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
My spirit is soaring free
I’ve taken the weight of the world off my shoulders
And found a lighter me
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
There are no locks on the doors
People come out to play everyday
And we know what life is for


We laugh at the notion that love is rare
We laugh at the notion of fear
We come to each moment with cupboards bear
And open our hearts to the Heaven that’s here
We open our hearts to the Heaven that’s here

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

In my body community
The organs and cells get along with each other
A happy biology
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
So we’re having a block party
God has decreed they’ll be joy in the streets
So we sacrifice self misery

 (repeat chorus twice, solo, then repeat chorus twice again)

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
Our spirits are soaring free
We’ve taken the weight of the world off our shoulders
And found our harmony
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
Mr. Rogers is singing along
Who would have known that the journey Home
Would lead my heart back to this song
Who would have known that the journey Home
Would lead us all back to this song...

 Would you be mine, could you be mine

Won’t you be my neighbor?

╔════════════════ೋღ☃ღೋ═════════════════╗     ♫ ♪ ♫ http://jcim.net/Music/ABeautifulDay.mp3 ♫ ♪♫

[To download, right click link and choose 'save target as']

Scott has continued from 1987 to the present day to share his inspired ability to LISTEN and give away as he hears the Voice within. He leads workshops and presentations and recently shared something he 'received' from Dr. Seuss!! This clip is absolutely hilarious and will brighten your day! It expresses the epitome of the teachings in A Course in Miracles.

Scott shares how this poem came about:

SCOTT: "I 'received' this poem over a two month period in early 2010. It really did feel like I was  "contacted" by Dr. Seuss. Please watch it till the end and have fun with it. If you don't stick with it, and you're trapped in chronic seriousness, you might feel the need to reach for the Prozac. Let's bring some witnessing presence and levity to the neurotic ego so you can let go of identifying your sense of Self with your ego-mind. I'm curious how this landed for you. I look forward to your comments on YouTube.


*Scott Kalechstein Grace lives in Marin California with his lovely partner Venus, and their darliing daughter Aysia. He is a Writer / Coach / Comedian / Speaker, as well as a Singer / Songwriter / Recording Artist / Minister and Workshop Leader.

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114