
By Lisa Trevino*

I wave my arm

and touch the gentle breeze

that kisses back

and know that this same air

caresses your skin,

sways the branches,

and lifts the wings of the birds

flying over

and I experience ONEness

with all that is.


I once tried to see

the Oneness in just you

and me joining....

excluding the animals,



seeing them for their "bodies"

but you and I for our essence.

Now I see it is the seeing

the Whole Picture

that reveals the True Inner One.

I see the Life in ALL

or I see it not at all.

*Lisa Trevino facilitates ACIM groups in Las Vegas, works one-on-one with people to help them heal from addiction and childhood trauma and has given many talks that can be downloaded for free on her website, gentlelessons.com. Her mission continues to be to follow her own internal Guidance and to help others to learn how to follow theirs, discover their True Selves and find peace.  Join her and other ACIM teachers at the The 2013 International ACIM Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

[Also join Lisa along with CMC certified facilitators Nyki Dobson and Pamela Whitman on their ACIM phone group every Tuesday Night from 5-7 pm PST. more information email: TheRevBabies@yahoo.com ]

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114