Music for Every Soul
Mark Stanton W



The Creations of Mark Stanton Welch

EXCERPT from Mark Stanton Welch's WEBSITE:

Mark Stanton Welch is a musician, a singer/songwriter, a performer, an  educator, a facilitator, a visionary, a sound healer and a vibrational  alchemist.  For over 25  years his creations have touched and inspired the  hearts, minds, and spirits of New Thought audiences worldwide.  With guitar,  keyboard, drum and voice, Mark has interacted with individuals and groups from  children to teens to adults to the wise ones.

 Mark served as music director at Unity Church in San Luis Obispo, California for  15 years.  He now travels internationally to provide musical support for New  Thought Conferences and churches and his own workshops.  His 13 years as an  elementary classroom teacher gives him the sensitivity and skills to work with  the youth.  A long held dream to write music for authors and accompany them at workshops has been realized in a current association with intuitive, Sonia Choquette. He has also appeared on stage with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Joan Borysenko, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Don Miguel Ruiz Alan Cohen, John Holland, Sondra Ray, Robin Reiter, and Lucia Capacchione.

MUSIC: Audio Gallery

Click picture above to hear these selections and for more CD information


♪♫SONG 1♪♫ / Ask from the Hearts Desire CD | 2:04
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Songs to assist your inner and outer selves in manifesting the life you desire and deserve. A portion of these songs are inspired by the work of Sonia Choquette. Many are simply a guitar and voice for an intimate connecting experience.


♪♫SONG 2♪♫ / Twelve Powers | 2:50
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The Twelve Powers is a part of the Unity Church teachings, addressing energy centers within the vibrational bodies. These simple, repetitive, singable songs will help you to realign energies and recreate a place of inner and outer balance.

*Mark Stanton Welch
PO Box 1331
Cambria, California 93428
Phone: 1.877.427.5855


Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114