Disappearing Truthe

By Chris F Minshew*

Graphic ©Deposit Photos

Wantingly, wearily, they begin to see
The writing on the wall confirms you and me.

We all tried to tell them, but to no avail
This isn’t heaven, it’s literally hell.

Forget what we told you, believe it or not
The truth behind hell is neither cold nor hot.

Living it is the only way you will see
Nothing here exists, not even you or me…



*Chris F. Minshew has led anything but a “normal” life. His list of prior occupations ranges
from Bail Bondsman to Golf Club Executive to Walt Disney World employee! For the
past 20+ years (as well as in past lives) he has been a musician and a poet (150+ poems & counting). In the past couple of years he has begun putting some of the poems to music under the band name “Punchweasel” (www.punchweasel.com). On more than one occasion, when asked how he has been able to write so many poems/songs, Chris has been overheard saying, “I don’t write them, I just write them down…” (Most of the time, the poems are dictated from a “Source.”) Along with his wife Summer (Punchweasel’s vocalist), Chris is working towards using his music for healing purposes (as instructed by his “Source”). Chris and Summer reside in Carthage, MS and have been studying ACIM for the past few years.

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114