Diamond She Wrote

By R. July Tang*

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Diamond She Wrote

She search for diamonds her whole life.

She found one, half polished, full potential.

She dust & clean, and nourish it with gentle love.

She sees her dreams & aspirations with it.

She sands & cut, and burn it with hurt.

She heals her nightmares & fears on it.

She leaves it, full polished, no potential.

It only show her to herself.

Diamond is cut, her heart shines.

Diamond shines, her heart cuts.

Diamond she wrote


*R July Tang's life chapters are of financial and relationship challenges. In the midst of overcoming them, he was introduced to ACIM and the foundation of love, forgiveness and miracles unfolded for him through instant alignment, healing and atonement.

Things that tookR July Lang him a long while to understand simply 'left'… thereby leaving him the deepest understanding of time-space continuum. Currently, he is an asset investment consultant & life coach. He believes that giving out what he has received is the only measure of life. He's pioneering a revolutionary coaching programme on a "pay-it-forward" structure called Happy Dollar Coaching where the first session starts at $1 and doubles thereafter. He believes a truly altruistic coaching will create the maximum traction for both the coach and his client. More info: fb.com/HappyDollarCoaching

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114