Children on the Hill

By J. Michaels*

Graphic ©Deposit Photos

One day in eternal bliss

Some children played at will

Reveling in their innocence

Knowing all was well

They played atop grassy knoll

It was lush and emerald green

They frolicked in the sunshine

Knowing all to be seen

Wise beyond recognition

Holy through and through

Innocence in children form

Playing two by two

An errant thought did enter

Mind so pure and fair

One they forgot to laugh at

And led them away from there

A wish to leave the fold

A desire to be one of all

Leaving the tender oneness

Of all in one recalled

So leave, they did

These now orphaned souls

Departing from oneness once known

To dream of hell’s darkly hole

In darkness they sought their way

Hoping to find light again

And illuminate a place to pray

Regret and guilt guide them now

As they seek a sacrificial way

Paying, at any cost

For transgressions of mind betrayed

Yet they know not what they do

For they are lost and blown away

At last, from afar

A lantern light is seen

Labeled love, they were told

A hope for souls redeemed

They reached the light at last

First a few, then many more

Guided by God’s Holy Spirit

They arrived where they were before

Instant rejoicing came upon them

Now knowing the whys and wherefores

Back in the greener pastures

Playing in innocence once more

Copyright 2010 J. Michaels


J. Michaels
Writer, Storyteller & Poet

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114