"See How Life Works"
Video Series

Created and Presented By Carol Howe*

Author of "Never Forget to Laugh: Personal Recollections of Bill Thetford,
Co-Scribe of A Course in Miracles"
Just before Carol Howe introduced the new 8-Part Program she was interviewed by Kenneth Bok. See and listen to the inside story, in her own works, behind "See How Life Works", which is designed to cultivate peace of mind, leading to transformation of relationships, health, career and more.
The following is an interview of CAROL HOWE
by Kenneth Bok
Carol Howe has just completed the FIFTH Volume of the 8 Part Series "See How Life Works" based on the principles of A Course in Miracles.
Volume 1 ~ Your journey begins with answers to 3 big QUESTIONS about A COURSE IN MIRACLES: It's Purpose, Where it Came From and Why Now?
Volume 2 ~ Your journey continues with ANSWERS to these questions about the ego: How it develops, What it's for, How to release it.
Volume 3 ~ Your journey explores the PURPOSE of every relationship: Healing, Peace, Happiness.
Volume 4 ~ Your journey now includes a SHIFT in perception of events and people - from judging to compassionately accepting - allowing the heart to open, love to flow, and problems of every nature to be resolved.
Volume 5 ~ Your journey allows RELEASE through loving Acceptance: Distress is Relieved, The Mind Becomes Clear, and Joy is Present.

*Since 1979 Carol Howe has presented highly interactive seminars, workshops, retreats, classes, and lectures on universal spiritual principles and their practical application -- for the general public, health-related and other special interest groups, and corporations - nationally and internationally.
Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114
cims@jcim.net |