Bridge to the Real World
Jesus Expanding on
"Bridge to the Real World"
Given In His Course In Miracles
original edition ~
CH 16 Sec VII 59

as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*


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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The text is taken from the JCIM edition <now referred to as the original edition>of A Course In Miracles. 

The Course is a Miracle in itself, and I have so much appreciation for Helen Schucman's ability to hear and express His Voice with such supreme beauty.
I have not changed the Course text at all, except as it is interspersed with Jesus' current Guidance on it.
The Course text is in bold face and
BLUE.  The Guidance is in normal type.
In His Guidance, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You.  

When You see the word 'YOU'  capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to YOU, He is honoring YOU.  


Chapter 16

VII. The Bridge to the the Real World

You are curious as to why I chose this passage.  It is to help break through the habit of seeing yourself as simply human, not knowing how to access your Divinity and to stay there.  You have been feeling this with some frustration lately, the habitual slip back into the ordinary mindset.  Stop feeling that You won’t be able to hear!  I have no problem speaking. (said with a laughing smile). 

Let’s look at the passage:

For God created love as He would have it be, and gave it as it IS. Love has no meaning except as its Creator defined it by His Will. It is impossible to define it otherwise and UNDERSTAND it.  And how else can it be defined but understanding the nature of All of Us as One grand Whole, Love be-ing What We ARE.  

Love is FREEDOM. “Freely ye have received, freely give.”  This is My theme song, now and, as well, 2000 years ago.  It is the rule of Love.  It is the only way to Love truly, and it frees Us from special relationships.  For when your Love is rightly put to use, what else can You do with it but shower it on All.  Your special loves are not discarded but fully included in this Love.

Freely You have received Our Father’s magnificent Love, how else can It be shared but freely letting the Love of God flow equally, from You, as You, to All, just as He equally loves Us All?  And as Love becomes Who You are, suddenly Everyone is special to You.

‘Oh no!’ You say. ‘How can I love like that?  It’s hard enough to love my friends and family, one at a time.  Loving everyone would be impossible!  I’m not big like God.’  And with those words and that decision, You have become a stranger to your Self, in the strange land You call the world, which You have created.  And so You keep yourself separate and apart, so unlike He Who loves eternally, repeating endlessly that You are both unlike and apart from Him, so loving universally is just too hard. 

The reason that it’s hard is because You’re not loving all!  Splitting up your love, You’ve singled some out as ‘special’, as ‘deserving’ (for the moment) of your special love, which isn’t really love at all, but symptomatic of your insistence on not being as your Father.

And so You languish in a prison cell of your own making, and You notice not the absence of any locks and doors, for You have imprisoned yourself in a tiny sense of mind and cannot see any further than your beliefs that True Love is lost to You along with Home. 

Your Love is never lost because It is what You are.  It is the Light from which the Love You are pours forth.  And It is much easier to access than You think.  Where is It found but as that major part of You known as the Holy Spirit, whose plan consists of a two-word prayer to free You, your Love, and Joy.  We simply ask the Holy Spirit to: “Take over.  Please be Me.”

And this is no stranger that You invite to be your Mind, your Life, your Love, but the Real You.  And You are going to Love the One You really are, more and more each day.

This is an adventure, worthy of the Son of God You are. 


*Sun~Rose is the scribe of the recently published book, "YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: Prep Notes for Experiencing God's Love."

She is also author of, "A Radiant Life: Raw Food and the Presence of Love". 

 BOTH now available on amazon.com



Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114