Course in Miracles Society [CIMS]
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MAY 2010 ISSUE <-- entire Newsletter

APRIL 2010 ISSUE <-- entire Newsletter
Offer each other the gift of lilies, not the crown of thorns;
the gift of love and not the "gift" of fear.
T 20 II 2
An Easter Message - from RajPur
AVATAR and the Easter Message [ACIM] - by Janaki Joy Green [Reja]
Questions & Answers - by Carmen Cameron
YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE [Miracle Principles 15-17] - by Sun~Rose

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Let Peace Be Your Umpire - by Sheryl Valentine
A Fisherman Comments on A Course in Miracles - Lorena Peters, PhD
Helen & Bill - by J.Michaels
Questions & Answers - by Carmen Cameron
YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE [Miracle Principles 18] - scribed by Sun~Rose

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Donations are tax deductible

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Course in Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, Nebraska 68114 USA
Voice: 800-771-5056 Fax: 402-391-0343