Music of Alisa Amor 


Hi, My name is Alisa Amor. I am a singer/songerwriter with a deep interest in healing and matters of the heart. I just finished my new CD, Comfort, when there can be no comfort!

I've been working on this for a long time now and I'm so happy to be able to present this to you!
Since it's sooooo important to me that everyone have my music no matter what their situation, I have decided to offer it by Donation.

My last project was a set of musical meditations based on lessons from "A Course in Miracles",
of some of my favorite spirtual writings.

I live in Westchester County, NY, about 30 miles north of Manhattan. I am available to perform throughout the NYC area; contact me for details.

~ Alisa Amor



click picture for more CD information

This album is composed of musical settings of lessons from the workbook of A Course in Miracles. The lessons are unchanged except for adding small repetitions. This album is a lively and hip introduction to "A Course in Miracles" If you are a new student, it will help you understand and integrate the material by making it accessible and fun. If you're a veteran of the Course, this enjoyable music provides new perspectives on the lessons and emotional experiences that are conducive to love, joy, peace, and power. It also comes in handy when you don't have enough time to do your workbook lesson!

In Every Heartbeat, Lessons from A Course in Miracles

1 God in His mercy wills that I be saved (Lesson 235)
2 I rule my mind which I alone must rule (Lesson 236)
3 Now would I be as God created me (Lesson 237)
4 On my decision all salvation rests (Lesson 238)
5 This holy instant is salvation come (Lesson 241)
6 Without forgiveness I will still be blind (Lesson 247)
7 I am in need of nothing but the truth (Lesson 251)
8 My self is ruler of the universe (Lesson 235)
9 My heart is beating in the peace of God (Lesson 267)
10 Let all things be exactly as they are (Lesson 268)
11 Only an instant does this world endure (Lesson 300)



(1) Musical setting of a Lesson from the A Course in Miracles workbook

"Without forgiveness I will still be blind"

Sin is the symbol of attack. Behold it anywhere, and I will suffer. For forgiveness is the only means whereby Christ's vision comes to me. Let me accept what His sight shows me as the simple truth, and I am healed completely. Brother, come and let me look on you. Your loveliness reflects my own. Your sinlessness is mine. You stand forgiven, and I stand with you.

So would I look on everyone today. My brothers are Your Sons. Your Fatherhood created them, and gave them all to me as part of You, and my own Self as well. Today I honor You through them, and thus I hope this day to recognize my Self.

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(2) Musical setting of a Lesson from the A Course in Miracles workbook.

"On my decision all salvation rests."

Father, Your trust in me has been so great, I must be worthy. You created me, and know me as I am. And yet You placed Your Son's salvation in my hands, and let it rest on my decision. I must be beloved of You indeed. And I must be steadfast in holiness as well, that You would give Your Son to me in certainty that he is safe Who still is part of You, and yet is mine, because He is my Self.

And so, again today, we pause to think how much our Father loves us. And how dear His Son, created by His Love, remains to Him Whose Love is made complete in him.

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click picture for more CD information

This album is about my search to find comfort in a world that often seems horribly un-comfortable. I want to take you on a healing journey through the terrain of a soul in difficult times. Through inner and outer deserts, oceans and forests. I'm hoping that you will feel that you have a friend and experience a small taste of comfort.....when there can be no comfort.--Alisa Amor

Comfort, when there can be no comfort

1 Intro
2 Explain
3 Child of the desert
4 Sick and Tired
6 This child
7 The mill
8 Star Dive
9 Fear
10 Legend
11 Comfort, when there can be no comfort



(1)"Child of the Desert" from Alisa Amor's"

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This album is about my search to find comfort in a world that often seems horribly un-comfortable. I want to take you on a healing journey through the terrain of a soul in difficult times. Through inner and outer deserts, oceans and forests. I'm hoping that you will feel that you have a friend and experience a small taste of comfort.....when there can be no comfort.--Alisa Amor


(2) "Comfort, When There Can Be No Comfort" by Alisa Amor

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Alisa's new album “Comfort, when there can be no comfort” represents and presents metaphorically inner tools that came out of a long series of health challenges. She is one of the few people who have had PET, a rare ear disease and overcome it completely. During and after years of limited speaking and hearing, she has composed, performed and produced this album. She hopes it will be useful to others who feel like there can be no comfort or cure for them. It is about a long journey out of despair to being more fully human and resourceful. It captures the depths and heights, the deep doubts and the gentle knowing of that process. [excerpt from Website]


*EXCERPT FROM WEBSITE: Alisa Amor has been writing, singing music and poetry, and creating stories about how the universe began as long as she can remember. As a child, her audiences were often forests and lakes. A desire to learn music composition took her to Oberlin College, then a desire for something completely different took her to PuertoVallarta, Mexico. There she spent 15 years, living in the city and later a jungle home, working as a landscape artist and muralist, and playing music in bars and around campfires. Wanting to reconnect with her roots, she headed back to her birthplace in New York's Westchester county where she now lives and creates.

Her new album "Comfort, when there can be no comfort" represents and presents metaphorically inner tools that came out of a long series of health challenges. She is one of the few people who have had PET, a rare ear disease and overcome it completely. During and after years of limited speaking and hearing, she has composed, performed and produced this album. She hopes it will be useful to others who feel like there can be no comfort or cure for them. It is about a long journey out of despair to being more fully human and resourceful. It captures the depths and heights, the deep doubts and the gentle knowing of that process.

Lately her interests have turned to hypnosis for healing and recreation and her songs are beginning to reflect that in new exploratory ways.

Her study of "A Course in Miracles" over the past 10 years has led her to set the lessons to music so that they can be easily assimilated, memorized and enjoyed. She continues to write original poetry and music both in Spanish and in English."



Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114