Working Through Anxiety
with "A Course in Miracles"

by Corinne Zupko*

This Zendala represents the journey to Love.
The ultimate goal, the center, is sure.  
We may get caught in fear
and stray off the path,
but when we look within,
we find our way back to peace.
There is nothing to fear.

       Forty million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders.  I considered myself one of them at one point in my life. Anxiety is an experience so common that there are many helpful treatments available, but ultimately, for me, there was only one approach that truly helped.  It was "A Course in Miracles."

       The Course states unequivocally that, "Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation. So are anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering, and intense fear of loss" (Original Edition Workbook p. 52). If anxiety is a consequence of the separation, the problem needs to be worked on at this deep level of mind.  Although we believe we really are these separate ego identities that have separated from God, the Course, thankfully, assures us that we are mistaken.  A Course in Miracles gently leads us to this realization, and as we slowly begin to trust the Holy Spirit's Voice more than our fearful ego voice, we find that the blocks we have put up against truth (like anxiety) begin to fall away. 

       When caught in the terrifying state of anxiety, however, what can one do?  There are a number of lessons and ideas that help to begin the shift out of a fearful state. Practicing lessons such as Lesson 48, "There is nothing to fear" or Lesson 199, "I am not a body I am free" or focusing on the thought that "God is with me, I cannot be deceived" can begin to shift the mind away from its fearful thought patterns and bring an opening, allowing the negative thoughts to be replaced with the healing thoughts of the Holy Spirit.

        We need to remember that the Course is asking us to look WITH the Holy Spirit at EVERY belief that we hold.  So the way through the anxiety (or any difficult period), is to not evade or avoid it but to look at what thoughts we are holding onto in our minds and then, WITH the Holy Spirit, keep turning them over to Him every time the thoughts come up. We are asked to be vigilant and watch our minds.  It is also helpful to question what the anxiety is for.

       Well, what IS anxiety for?

        The Course says that the purpose of pain (psychological or physical) is to keep us believing that we are our bodies.  Pain shrieks loudly. It hurts, so we make our first mistake and make it real for ourselves by our judging what the bodily sensation is and then labeling it. Identifying and then holding to this familiar sensation, our perception assures us that this pain-body is who we are, and therefore we do not look beyond it. In fact, we must finally come to a place where we want to look beyond it with the Guide God has given us.

      Lesson 136 offers a great way of explaining what our struggle is for: "Sickness is a defense against the truth." You can substitute many different words for the term sickness.... Depression is a defense against the truth, addiction is a defense against the truth, anxiety is a defense against the truth..." and so I have used anxiety to defend against the truth, because when it is present to me, it is all consuming, and it becomes very difficult to listen to the Holy Spirit.

        The process of working through anxiety (or any problem for that matter) is by working at the root of the problem - my identity with my small self and my belief that I am separate.  I am not this body-identity called Corinne - I am a holy Son of God, as is each and every one of us.  As we playfully say in our Course in Miracles group, "You are not _____{insert your name here}!"

        Here is a nice perception shift about anxiety - - it is a PERFECT barometer to gauge how much you are identifying with your small self. If you are feeling anxious, you can be sure that you are in your ego -- and so it is time to choose again. As the Course says, “Discomfort is aroused only to bring the need for correction into awareness.”

        When you recognize that you are feeling pain and are not at peace, and your ego seems to be in charge, keep turning to the Holy Spirit within, and ASK for help. Accept that your little willingness is shown by virtue of your asking to see things differently.  Reminding yourself of these Course quotes can shift the focus on the problem to a focus on the solution:

        “Yet any attempt to resolve the basic conflict through the concept of mastery of fear is meaningless. In fact it asserts the power of fear by the simple assumption that it need be mastered. The essential resolution rests entirely on the mastery of love” (Original Edition p. 35).  So it is not about conquering anxiety, but it is instead learning how to master Love.  It is about learning how to let the Holy Spirit choose for God FOR us, for I of myself, do not know how.

        In addition, this section from the Course is so helpful in working with difficult emotions and situations:

I must have decided wrongly because I am not at peace.
I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.
I will to decide otherwise because I want to be at peace.
I do not feel guilty because the Holy Spirit will undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him.
I will to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for Me. (Original Edition p. 99)

        “Would you not go through fear to love?” (Original Edition p. 327). If there are no mistakes, as the Course says, and if everything is exactly as it should be, then anxiety (or whatever problem you seem to be experiencing) can be your perfect teacher.  The most comforting thought to me, is that the outcome is guaranteed. The light in each of us is too bright to fail. We are going to succeed and return Home to God because that is what we really want.  Peace is our inheritance.

The contents of this article are not medical advice. See a medical or mental health professional if you need to.  The Course says that there is nothing wrong with doing so.


*Corinne Zupko, Ed.S., M.A., C.P.C., is a speaker, adjunct professor, coach, writer, and meditation teacher. Corinne began her work with the Course in 1996 after struggling with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. By practicing the Course principles, "what appeared as terrifying and unresolvable, ended up being one of the most growth-enhancing experiences in my life." Her growth and healing journey led her into a career in the helping professions where she is passionate about helping others find and connect with their inner truth. 


For more information, Corinne is a regular contributor at : www.ecourseinmiracles.org  and  www.innerbalanceliving.com   


Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114